Friday, May 13, 2016

Words of the week

psychosis: / sʌɪˈkəʊsɪs /

(noun) 1. A major psychiatric disorder in which thoughts and emotions are so deeply impaired there is a loss of contact with external reality; 2. a clinically abnormal state of mind, characterised by distorted perceptions of reality, such as delusions, hallucinations, incoherence, or catatonia; 3. a severe form of mental affliction or disease, such a schizophrenia or mania. (adjective: psychotic)

psychoanalysis:  / ˌsʌɪkəʊəˈnalɪsɪs /

(noun)  1. A system of theories concerning the relation of conscious and unconscious psychological processes, based on theories originally developed by Sigmund Freud; 2. a method of treating mental and emotional disorders by analysing subjective material presented by the patient, in order to bring unconscious mental processes into conscious awareness. (adjective: psychoanalytical)

psyche:  /ˈsʌɪki /

(noun)  1. The human mind, as the centre of thought, behaviour and beliefs;  2.  the totality of the mind and its processes, both conscious and unconscious;  3.  the forces within a person that influence their behaviour and thoughts, and shape their personality.

Psyche:  /ˈsʌɪki /

(noun, proper)  1. myth The Greek goddess of the soul, who was the mortal lover and later, purified by her misfortune and rewarded for her passionate commitment, became the immortal wife of Eros, god of love; 2. allegory the personification of the human soul, or life force, as female, in relationship with Eros, the personification of love and desire as male.

[mid 17C, via Latin, from Greek: ψυχή (psūkhē) 'breath, soul, mind']

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