Friday, November 27, 2015

Word of the week

fox:  /fɒks/ 

(noun)  A small carnivorous animal of the dog family, with a pointed muzzle, large ears and a long bushy tail, usually with reddish brown or silver-grey fur [Family: Canidae, Genus: Vulpes].

(noun)  A crafty, cunning or sly person.

(noun)  slang  A physically attractive or alluring man or woman.

(verb)  informal  1. To deceive or outwit somebody by means of slyness or trickery  2. to confuse or baffle someone  3. to keep an eye on someone without seeming to do so  4. to be too difficult for someone to understand or solve.

Tuesday, November 17, 2015

The seed

… but the seed of doubt was there, and it stayed, and every now and then sent out a little root. It changed everything, to have that seed growing. It made Ender listen more carefully to what people meant, instead of what they said. It made him wise. 

From Ender's Game, by Orson Scott Card

Friday, November 6, 2015

Why do we need to work so hard?

The question asked by a fellow writer today:  If 85% of everything that’s published today is crap, why do we need to work so hard to improve how we write?

Sunday, November 1, 2015

Word of the week

regard:  /ˈɡɑːd/ 

(verb)  To look at carefully; gaze at steadily; observe. 
(verb)  To consider (something) to be (a particular way).
(verb)  archaic  To take notice of; pay attention to; heed. 

regard:  /ˈɡɑːd/
(noun)  A long fixed look; a gaze.
(noun)  An attitude of admiration or respect; a feeling of friendship and esteem.
(noun)  Attention to, or thought and concern for something.  

[Middle English: from Old French regarder 'to watch', from re- 'back' (also expressing intensive force) + garder 'to guard']

NB rhymes with canard, charade, façade.